
Monday, May 28, 2012

Wren Babies!!!!!! Yay!!!!

<---- (Check them out! :-)

Oh my goodness!! :-D Two days ago Dad found a Carolina Wren nest with little chicks in it. Yay!!! I'll have some pictures of them up soon, hopefully. They gave us quite a scare, too, because the mother wasn't in the nest Saturday night, and we didn't know whether or not the chicks were alive. But Sunday morning we saw the mother flitting back and forth, getting food for the chicks. I think there are four that are still alive, and one that's dead. :-( But from what I can tell, the four that are alive are well and dandy! Their little peeps were so energetic, I just had to smile at them. I'll try to give updates at least every other day or so.

xxRapid Turtlexx <3

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